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Primary school replaces chairs with active furniture

Nice to see! This primary school from Angerlo has exchanged its chairs for deskbikes, standing chairs, balance boards and sitting balls. The students themselves indicate that it is fun to learn moving and find a 'normal' chair boring. It is also ideal for teachers, director Armanda Waters says in the article: 'If you can do your work in this way, you don't have to go to the gym. It is better to exercise during your work during the day than once a week for an hour in the gym.' To read the entire article (in Dutch), there is a link to the article below.

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Link naar artikel: Angerlose basisschool verruilt stoelen voor hometrainers en wiebelkrukken

Foto: Jan van den Brink (De Gelderlander)

  Steven     28-04-2022 14:06     Comments ( 0 )
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